Tuesday, October 09, 2007

It Aint Over til the...

OK, normally, it aint over til the fat lady sings, right? But how about if they showered us all with cinnamon rolls...why not? Everyone will be the happier! I thought I'd capture my strange, yet happy thought...


Martin Hsu said...

mmm... i love cinnamon rolls!

This is hilarious janice! Her tongue is scary!!

Dagan Moriarty said...

nice, Janice!

I haven't visited in a WHILE... Hope you are doin' well! :)

Now i'm off to add you to my links,
so I'll always remember to stop by here!... WAY overdue! ;)

AJK said...

Thanks Martin and Dagan, this was a lot of fun, I think I'm gonna do more food related art! Hey Everone loves food!

Becca said...

OH MY STARZ!!! Janice!!! I would LUV to put your artwork on my cupcakes!!! Fun lunch today! Let's do it again soon! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Giselle Gonzalez said...

Thank you Janice! ;) You have a really awesome blog too!

Sean Constantine said...

excellent post mam.